Citizenship and political identity:

reflections from the social conflictivity


  • Marilina Truccone Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Córdoba, Argentina.



Citizenship, Political identity, Social conflictivity


The study about citizenship has been constituted on the foundations of theoretical aspects that consider this category on one hand, as a determined community and on the other hand, as a desirable practice. In this way, both modes of thoughtrelated to the liberalism and republicanism respectively- suppose a prescriptive vision on the constitution of citizenship and of citizens, without making place to the problematic on the condition of the emergence of these. In the present paper notions about citizenship worked by Chantal Mouffe are recovered. In this way, we centralize the author’s consideration about the social conflict as a mode of overcoming the prescriptive intention of the cited theoretical currents. In turn, we work around the constitution of citizenship as a political identity; stipulating finally, the importance of rethinking the citizenship from the discursivity of the social, to eliminate everything that holds, in advance, the intention of establishing a universal notion of citizenship.


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Author Biography

Marilina Truccone, Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Córdoba, Argentina.

Licenciada en Ciencia Política por la Universidad Nacional de Villa María (UNVM), Doctoranda en Ciencia Política por el Centro de Estudios Avanzados-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Actualmente, es Becaria Inicial Doctoral en unProyecto PICT denominado “Discursos y subjetividad política en el Primer Peronismo. Nuevas miradas desde abajo y en clave local. Córdoba, Santiago del Estero, Río Negro y La Rioja”, radicado en el Centro de Investigaciones sobre la Cultura y la Sociedad (CIECS CONICET y UNC) y financiado por la ANPCyT-FONCyT.



How to Cite

Truccone, M. (2019). Citizenship and political identity:: reflections from the social conflictivity. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 4(7), 116–128.