The relationship between China and Latin America. Perspectives from Mercosur


  • Bárbara Turner Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina



Latin America, China, Mercosur, Integration, Competition


Latin America's relations with China have strengthened in recent years, from a new bond between countries that has allowed the emergence of various analyses and projections about its future. The examination of the construction of a new type of dependency on a nascent hegemon that affects Latin America’s commercial, political and cultural patterns a at the national level is of great importance for the development of the region and the ideation of public policies. In this paper, these correlations will be problematized from the literature, from a regional vision linked to Mercosur, to see if these national patterns are repeated at a regional level and how they are represented.


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Author Biography

Bárbara Turner, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Licenciada en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Estudiante de Maestría en Relaciones Internacionales en la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Sede Argentina. 



How to Cite

Turner, B. (2019). The relationship between China and Latin America. Perspectives from Mercosur. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 4(7), 187–195.