Of the security concept of the OAS to the policies:
The brasil´s and venezuela´s cases (2001-2013)
Security, Brazil, Venezuela, OASAbstract
The approval in 2003 of a new Concept of Security from the Organization of American States set an increase in the number of the menaces that fell in the security’s orbit. This marked a vocation of the states to promote policies of multidimensional approach in opposition to the military response and the use of the force as the only choice to offer security. Although, an analysis of the cases of the regional leadership’s candidates over the last ten years since the approval of the Concept –in 2003-, shows a contradiction between the approaches offered in the document and the security policies in the American States. Reviewing the persistence of the unidimensional operatives and the use of the Armed Forces for internal security tasks is noted that the logics linked to the security provision had only been modified in the discursive aspect. In the Brazilian case, there is no big decline in the unidimensional responses and the military institutions maintain a strong gravity in the security field, especially in the institutional state framework. In the Venezuelan case, the situation express an increase in the governmental offices which are in charge of people linked to the Armed Forces, at the same time that they occupy position in the economic and social level.