Political-ideological neuromarketing:

a silent weapon for quiet (hybrid) wars





Hegemony, Political neuromarketing, Hybrid war, Domain logic, Counterhegemon


The work analyzes the role of Neuromarketing applied within the political-ideological dimension [NPI], as a communicational tool to build hegemonic discourses: its influence on society and its effort to make subordinate elements invisible; which assigns it a role as a weapon for Psychological Operations [PsyOps], and an advantage for informational hybrid wars, within which power is disputed, locally and internationally. For this, a bibliographic review is carried out to propose the main variables for the analysis of the NPI, in the construction and justification of the domain logic, and its possible uses, to elaborate counter-hegemonic narratives.


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Author Biography

Daniel Martínez, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Cartago, Costa Rica

Especialista en Neuromarketing por el Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC); Secretario de la Asociación para la Defensa Civil de Costa Rica.



How to Cite

Martínez, D. (2021). Political-ideological neuromarketing: : a silent weapon for quiet (hybrid) wars. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 6(11), 331–363. https://doi.org/10.35305/prcs.vi11.439