Institutional violence:

bodies and identities at risk




State, Institutional violence, Inequality, Exclusion


This paper attempts to provide analysis tools that allow readers to approach a critical reflection of the current reality in relation to institutional violence, and in particular police violence as a strategy of domination and social control. Categories such as exclusion and marginality are included to understand the processes of power struggle based on a logic of inequality. Thinking about the institutions of power requires assuming a political ethical position that allows us to transcend our subjective position in the face of the analysis of state and institutional actions. It is for this reason that this article invites one to strip oneself of ideological perceptions and senses, to lift the veil in order to discover what the States, including democratic States, hide through the police institution.


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Author Biography

Geraldina Pereyra, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Feminista pluralista y descolonial. Trabajadora Social. Instituto Superior de Formación Docente y Técnica N° 77 (I.S.F.D. Y T. Nº 77), Vicente López, Argentina. Formación Pedagógica por el Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 39 (I.S.F.D Nº 39). Diplomada en Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (UNCA). Maestranda en Educación, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM). Integrante de Equipos de Orientación de Nivel Primario y Superior. Ex miembro del área de Asistencia Social del Servicio Penitenciario de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.



How to Cite

Pereyra, G. . (2022). Institutional violence: : bodies and identities at risk. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 6(12), 562–572.