The “new right” and its foreign policy. The first three years of Mauricio Macri's government


  • Laura María D'Alesio Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina



Mauricio Macri, New right, Foreign policy


In the frame of a new historical time marked by the reinforcement of conservativeliberal governments this article aims to investigate the chief political measures taken by Mauricio Macri’s government that leads to the establishment of a new right political ideology and how its measures impact on the foreign policy. The study is focused on the changes that take place in the economic, politicalinstitutional, social and international agendas of the first three years of the new government. The notes that follow attempt to show that the coming into power of a “new right” generates modifications in the foreign policy. Its main manifestations are a new ideological positioning, a clear first-world shift, and the consideration of the external agenda as a sort of instrument for achieving a transition to a globalized economy. These changes also develop a link between domestic and foreign policy. 


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Author Biography

Laura María D'Alesio, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina

Licenciada en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Investigadora del Grupo de Estudios sobre Negociaciones Comerciales Internacionales (UNR) e integrante del Observatorio Político Electoral (UNR). Rosario, Argentina.



How to Cite

D’Alesio, L. M. (2019). The “new right” and its foreign policy. The first three years of Mauricio Macri’s government. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 4(8), 194–223.