The State in question:

theoretical-philosophical debates in the Argentine essay


  • Jorge Andrés Ruescas Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina



State, Politics, Society, Kirchnerismo


Based on the analysis of articles published in a set of Argentine essay journals - whose temporality coincides with the beginnings of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner's first government and the conflict with agricultural entities around the dispute opened by “resolution 125”, up to entered the second term of government of the same president - this work intends to attend the debates raised around the State as a theoretical and philosophical problem. What semantic content has this term been linked to? What consequences and theoretical and political implications derive from the thought of the Argentine situation marked by the period of time that affirms the "return" of politics and the State to the national scene after the arrival of the Kirchnerist governments? Taking into account that we intend to analyze writings produced by actors of the intellectual field in a socio-historical situation determined from a methodology that highlights the contributions of conceptual history and political analysis, trying to interpret the texts from the analysis of the "context" and the “intentionality” of the interventions of the agents in a given situation; on the other, it also analyzes the structure of the "texts themselves", detecting the emphasis and recurrence of the authors. Thus, by studying the fundamental categories of thought of an era, it is possible to glimpse how she argues and conceptualizes herself. Texts, contexts and agents are convened around the category of State in its relations with politics and society. 


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Author Biography

Jorge Andrés Ruescas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina

Licenciado en Ciencia Política U.N.R. Docente Adscripto en asignaturas “Teoría Política I” y “Proyectos Políticos Argentinos y Latinoamericanos”. Docente de Nivel Medio y Superior.



How to Cite

Ruescas, J. A. (2019). The State in question:: theoretical-philosophical debates in the Argentine essay. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 4(8), 224–246.