Culture and Public-Private Alliance:

Study on the formulation of PPA projects for the management of small-scale cultural spaces on a local scale




Cultural management, Public spaces, Public-Private Alliances, Culture, Sustainable development


This article begins by reviewing the concession project for the management of the Plaza del Agua - Mar del Plata, presented to the Honorable Deliberative Council of the General Pueyrredon Party by Wam Entertaiment Company S.A – Espacio Clarín under the form of a private initiative to refunctionalize and value that space. In the debates for its approval, economic and technical aspects related to it were examined.

In the absence of other studies, the objective of this work was to anticipate possible cultural changes in the public space, reviewing the proposal and comparing it with similar formulations of Public-Private Alliance for cultural spaces of local state management. To do this, we use the recommendations of Public-Private Partnerships proposed by Goal 17 - Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. The methodology used was qualitative techniques through a bibliographic and documentary review that included documents presented by international organizations.

Using the goals proposed by SDG 17, the need to generate a tool to establish collaboration frameworks between the different actors to guarantee the objectives of the cultural policy of the local administration was noted.


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Author Biography

Mabel Zecca, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Mar del Plata, Argentina

Licenciada en Gestión Cultural. FAUD. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Maestría en Comunicación - Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana UNINI México, Maestría en Comunicación Corporativa -Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Postgrado en Gestión cultural y comunicación. FLACSO. Diplomatura en Gestión de empresas y negocios. Universidad de San Pablo, Tucumán. Ilustradora profesional- Escuela Superior de Artes Visuales Martín A. Malharro. Doctoranda en Ordenamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Sostenible. UNCuyo - Cohorte 2021. Investigador FAUD. UNMdP. 



How to Cite

Zecca, M. . (2023). Culture and Public-Private Alliance: : Study on the formulation of PPA projects for the management of small-scale cultural spaces on a local scale. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 7(14), 651–673.