The Rattenbach Report

Historical heritage of the conflict puzzle




Rattenbach, Malvinas, Kershaw, Nott, Franks


This paper proposes to pay tribute to the 40th anniversary of the Rattenbach Report by comparing it with analogous British reports.  The reports compared in this academic proposal are the celebrated Rattenbach Report (1983) with the Nott (1982), Franks (1983) and Kershaw (1983) reports. The comparison of these official historical reports, similar because they deal with the same subject, because of their contemporary preparation, because they represent official governmental versions, dissimilar in their optics, allow us to inquire about the subjects dealt with by each one, their depth, coincidences and differences that directly or tacitly emerge from the analysis, contributing to the historical construction of the past to facilitate the understanding of the present. This analysis contrasts the Rattenbach Report with its counterparts, a comparison that allows the reader to move beyond reading and individual analysis. The comparison of reports makes it possible to assess the substance of the introspective procedure represented by the Rattenbach Report, guided by the search for knowledge, inquiring into responsibilities through an exemplary procedure on how organizations should capitalize on their experiences to ensure institutional growth and strengthening.


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Author Biography

Sergio Esteban Donadio, Armada de la República Argentina. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Oficial de la Armada Argentina; Especialista en Conducción y Táctica de Operaciones Navales por la SEU Escuela de Guerra Naval – Universidad de la Defensa Nacional (UNDEF); Magíster en Estudios Estratégico-Militares Internacionales por la Universidad de Torino, Italia. Actualmente realiza la Especialización en Estrategia Operacional y Planeamiento Militar Conjunto, SEU Escuela de Guerra Conjunta – UNDEF. Investigador independiente. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - República Argentina



How to Cite

Donadio, S. E. (2023). The Rattenbach Report: Historical heritage of the conflict puzzle. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 8(16).