Re-readings to understand the new forms of modernity


  • Virginia Zamboni Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina



Modernity, Contemporaneity, Work, Individual, Territory


The present article is the product of an exercise in reading and criticizing the work of three authors who discuss contemporaneity -Zygmunt Bauman, Saskia Sassen and Pierre Rosanvallon-, with the objective of interrogating about the elements and dynamics that they observe as characteristic of our present moment. In this sense, it is based on the assumption that in contemporary times there are new elements and differentiated dynamics that give new forms to the modernity are evidenced.

The authors chosen to do the exercise propose, from their theoretical corpus and analytical perspective, different approaches to the complex question that is of concern. The three approaches are taken in order to generate discussion because there is no academic consensus on the issue yet. An effort is made here to

disintegrate the arguments and analytical categories that the authors propose in their corresponding approaches in order to find concrete axes of discussion, that do allow establishing similarities and differences between the authors.

In first place, a review of each of the works is made, mentioning the general propositions that the authors make and disaggregating the arguments they maintain. After that take place a discussion on the subjects of the essential elements to address these issue: the reconfiguration of work, the individual and individuality in the current socialization, the temporal-territorial dimension and the role of state institutions.


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Author Biography

Virginia Zamboni, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina

Estudiante avanzada de la Licenciatura en Ciencia Política, Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, UNR. Ayudante-alumna de la cátedra Estructura Social. Participante del Proyecto de Investigación “Actores, territorios y procesos de Extensión” (Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, UNR).



How to Cite

Zamboni, V. (2017). Re-readings to understand the new forms of modernity. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 2(3), 110–121.