Argentine defense policy:

opposing conceptions, lack of direction




Defense, Budget, Objectives, Training, Equipment


The Argentine defense policy during the last three governments demonstrates the existence of opposing views on defense, but a common consequence: the impossibility of obtaining a reasonably adequate defense capacity for the country in the face of existing risks. Structural problems that have been going on for decades in the field of personnel structure, low budgets and, consequent limitations in the field of personnel training and equipment, are added to the adoption of incompatible defense policy objectives, dispersion of efforts and objectives, and delays for the adoption of decisions. Appropriate measures such as the creation of the FONDEF are sterilized by their use in acquisitions that do not contribute to solving the critical situation facing the country in terms of military equipment.


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Author Biography

José Manuel Ugarte, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (área Derecho Administrativo). Profesor en grado y posgrado de la referida Universidad, así como de la Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero, en la Maestría en Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana y en la Escuela del Cuerpo de Abogados del Estado.



How to Cite

Ugarte, J. M. (2023). Argentine defense policy:: opposing conceptions, lack of direction. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 7(14), 6–32.