Experiential Knowledge in Peace Education CoPaz's approach in Rosario, Argentina

El abordaje de CoPaz en Rosario, Argentina





Peace Education, Ludopedagogy, Popular Education


This research attempts to gather a series of reflections and problematizations around the activities carried out by the NGO Peace Builders (in spanish: Constructores de Paz) - CoPaz-, whose objective is to promote the human rights of girls, boys, adolescents and women, fostering the construction of Cultures of Peace, through popular education, art, philosophy and sports as pedagogical tools that empower, liberate, inspire and denaturalize violence as a way of approaching conflicts.  In this sense, it is proposed to briefly go through theoretical sources, as well as the experiences of the workshops carried out in the Toba neighborhood of Rosario from different perspectives and disciplines. Finally, it will try to provide considerations and challenges in the matter. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze how to promote the change from the adversarial paradigm to a collaborative one where empathy, creativity and collaboration are the founding values of the relationships between girls, boys and young people. 


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Author Biographies

María Teresa Barrios , Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina

Abogada, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Mediadora. Docente de Mediación y transformación pacífica de conflictos (UNR). Programa Comunidad Mediadora. Co-Presidenta de la Alianza Iberoamericana por la Paz. Miembro Fundadora de CoPaz. Maestranda en Derechos Humanos (UNR).

Melina Coll, Universidad Abierta Interamericana (UAI). Rosario, Argentina

Licenciada en Antropología Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Docente de Nivel Inicial. Docente Universidad Abierta Interamericana (UAI). Rosario, Argentina.

Luciana Rodini, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina

Estudiante de Traductorado Público en Portugués de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Investigadora independiente. Tallerista de CoPaz. Rosario, Argentina.

Ornella Uberti, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina

Magister en Cooperación Internacional y Ayuda Humanitaria. Kalu Institute, España. Politóloga, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Sénior Project Manager en el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de Argentina. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.



How to Cite

Barrios , M. T. ., Coll, M., Rodini, L., & Uberti, O. (2023). Experiential Knowledge in Peace Education CoPaz’s approach in Rosario, Argentina: El abordaje de CoPaz en Rosario, Argentina. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 8(15). https://doi.org/10.35305/prcs.v8i15.719