“Telling the discovery: between story and rigor?”

The practice of freedom in a regulated space





Writing, boundaries, Freedom


Ways of knowing, forms of knowledge, disciplinary orders dictate rules. They set the limits of what we can do, think and be. These limits distinguish us from not-knowing and separate us from other regions and areas of knowledge. And in doing so they draw a space of freedom, that is, they enclose us within margins within which we can be free.

We write enclosed in these limits that function as a playing field for an always limited number of ways of understanding, of capturing the phenomenal. But those limits are historical and political: they have been forced, stretched, split.

The question is: how to push those limits? How to expand the margins to add other ways of doing, thinking and being to the space of knowledge? In short, how to practice freedom?


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Author Biography

Mariela Cuadro, CONICET - Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Licenciada en Sociología (UBA). Doctora en Relaciones Internacionales (UNLP). Investigadora del Conicet-Instituto de Investigaciones Políticas/Escuela de Política y Gobierno, UNSAM. Directora de la Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales UNSAM.



How to Cite

Cuadro, M. . (2023). “Telling the discovery: between story and rigor?” : The practice of freedom in a regulated space. Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 8(16). https://doi.org/10.35305/prcs.v8i16.746